IT is Changing

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If you grew up in the 90’s like I did then you probably grew up knowing that Information Technology would eventually play a big role in the world of business. It wasn’t because of ITT Tech’s luring “Education for the Future” commercials but because we were able to see first hand how quickly transforming technology was. During the Internet and the personal computer’s infancy stage, the IT industry was still trying to figure out where it fit with everything else. What started off as infrastructure and application management grew into an industry who’s main focus was on network security. With the emergence of social media and predictive analytics shaping the information superhighway, the role of IT began expanding beyond mere troubleshooting.

By the nature of what IT used to be, its value was wholeheartedly dependent on its reactive approach to a user’s technical problem. If it aims to become a top contender in the world of business, it needs to be more proactively strategic in generating revenue and notoriety. In other words, instead of being seen as a disconnected service provider that is called upon when things go awry, IT needs to be seen as part of the team, bringing in fresh ideas and changes to the table in the context of the service they provide. Building a team of technician with diverse skill-sets in addition to their affinity to information technology is the key to pushing past the glass ceiling. Media-networking, marketing, sales, and application/vendor partnerships are all strengths that put together will add tremendous value to the industry of the future.

Check out the link below for Forbes top 4 things IT should stop doing.

Forbes – 4 Things IT Should Stop Doing